Thursday, August 16, 2007

Daddy and Baby Games

A newborn is cute, sweet, quiet and loud, fussy, and adorable; however, they do nothing but eat, sleep and mess diapers. In summery, newborns are not very fun, but still the best ever. To make up for the boringness of newborns, daddy came up with some fun games for him and Joseph to spend quality time together, and to have fun with each other. Or rather, daddy gets to have fun with Joseph while Joseph is in the hands of his dad.

Circus: “Look at us Mommy, we’re going to be in the circus!” is a common phrase that daddy will use when Joseph becomes a monkey balancing while sitting on daddy’s hand. Daddy balances Joseph as his bobble head swings this way and that. It is a very cute little act to see!!

Daddy Slide: Daddy lies on the floor on his back. Then places Joseph on his stomach with his body leaning up against Daddy’s legs. Then Daddy will gently pull Joseph by his legs down his stomach so he’s lying flat on his back on Daddy’s stomach. It’s very cute to watch, and Joseph just sits there and smiles.

Canon Ball: Daddy lies on the floor on his back. Then he’ll hold Joseph as he sits on Daddy’s stomach. Then very slowly, Daddy lets the weight of Joseph’s head pull him forwards down onto Daddy’s chest. Joseph will smile and laugh and turns his head sideways so he can still see and breathe.

Daddy Swing: Daddy will hold Joseph on his hands, with his arms keeping Joseph in an upright position. Then Daddy will swing Joseph back and forth in front of Daddy’s body.

Funny Face: Daddy is great at making all sorts of faces: good, happy, sad, funny, scary, crazy, and sweet. To get Joseph to react to him, Daddy would make a face. Joseph would either copy (to his best ability) or make a different face. This would go back and forth until one or the other couldn’t make a face.

Eye Catch: This game Joseph is the one in charge. Whenever Daddy picks him up, or even just looks at Joseph, Joseph turns his eyes away (sometimes his whole head too). Then Daddy will follow his eyes, trying to get Joseph to look at him. Whenever Daddy catches Joseph’s eyes, he’ll smile.

Reaction: This is another game where Joseph is in charge. He will do something, whether it is smile, laugh, blow bubbles, slobber, pass gas, or explode in his diaper just to get a reaction from Daddy. The reactions that Joseph likes best are when Daddy jumps, yells in surprise, or laughs and talks back to Joseph. He also likes to play this with his Uncles as well.

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