Monday, August 18, 2008

Daddy and Ball

Now that Joseph is officially 18 months old, he is starting to pick up more words. He knows a ton of words and phrases, and can say a handful of words...and just to Ben and me a few phrases. We didn't take away his pacifier until after the doctor said it could impair is speech. Well since we don't want that, and since the only reason we let him keep the pacifier was because he is still teething, and most of his teething was awefully painful, so we cold turkey'd his pacifier.

So what words does Joseph know how to say: Ball, Daddy, Mommy, Light, Milk, Bottle, Doggy, Kitty, Thank you, balloon. What phrases have we heard him say: What is that?, Where is it? Who is it? Where is the ball? Of course there are a few others, but we can't think of them right now... What words does he say most often: "Daddy and ball. Everything is daddy and ball, in some variation or other.

Its very interesting how that happened, but somewhat frustrating too, because we want him to say other words too, even if its words he knows how to say, but now all of a sudden, out of the blue he won't say anything but daddy and ball...oh well. He's still just so cute!

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